Friday 12 July 2013

British champion looks ahead to World Games

City of Liverpool’s Nicole Short claimed her first senior DMT title at the 2013 trampoline, tumbling and DMT British Championships. Having only been training in the sport for just over a year Nicole, who also competes in trampoline, is now all set to represent Great Britain at the World Games in Cali, Colombia.

The selection honour is a fantastic achievement and testament to her endeavour and hard work as Nicole explains:
“I felt shocked when I first heard I was selected to represent Great Britain at the World Games, especially as I’ve only been training seriously in DMT for 12 Months.  There are several other gymnasts who have many more years of experience than me both training and competing but I rose to the challenge and have had a pretty decent season.

Obviously I'm feeling a certain amount of pressure which is probably normal, but having said that I always try to put my energy into training hard and just to do my very best to be the best that I can be .It helps that I'm also studying Sports Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University which teaches me to deal with the pressures of the sport and how I approach my training.”

Read more about Nicole’s rise to DMT success in the latest GYMNAST e-zine.
You can watch her 2013 British Championship winning DMT performance below.

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